Missions Supported by Good News Baptist Church

“And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.” - Mark 16:15

Aaron & Grace Cowgill

  1. To plant a church in Columbus Ohio.

  2. To open a men’s rehabilitation home.

  3. To evangelize and minister to both adults and adolescents in the inner-city.

  4. To travel and edify the saints of God through biblical preaching, teaching, and singing.

Adam Manaquil

  • Soul Winning

  • Church Planting

  • Training the Nationals

Bill Maunsell

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Dale Morey Family - Liberty Behind Bars Ministries

Dax Taulbee

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Derek Hansen - Regions Beyond Ministries

  • Email: derekhansen1611@gmail.com

  • Phone: (208 691-2767

Graham & Olivia Young


  • Evangelize

  • Plant Churches

  • Train Leaders

Jared Miskovic Family - Missionaries to Mexico

  • Plant Churches

  • Disciple & Train Nationals

  • Start Children’s Homes

  • Outreach Ministries

113 Sheffield St North Augusta, SC 29841
Phone: 912-996-4941
Email: jar.chel.mex@gmail.com

Joel & Ann Bierman


  • Start a new work where sinners will be evangelized and

    saints will be encouraged to live for the Lord.

Justin & Joni Miller

Pastor of Seven Springs Baptist Church Marion Kentucky.

Mark Helzerman

Missionaries to Papua New Guiana.

To witness the saving grace of Jesus Christ to lost souls. To win souls and baptize converts. To work and labor to train up Godly men and establish local indigenous churches for them to lead.

Russell Wright

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Seth & Michela Ryners

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Simmie Andrew Ambrocio - Missionary to the Philippines & Southeast Asia

  • Phone: (740) 516-7065

  • Email: ambrociosimmie@gmail.com

Stuart & Cynthia Gragg


Contact Information:


(205) 467-5620

Tim Moriarty


Contact Information:


(207) 505-0646

Victory Baptist Press

Since it began in 1984, Victory Baptist Press has printed and shipped millions of Bibles, New Testaments, and Scripture portions, (without charge) to thirty-four foreign countries and to every state in the United States. Even with all that has been done, the great need for the Gospel around the world demands that we do more now than ever before.

Vince Larue

Evangelizing the Lost, Discipling the Saved, Planting Local Churches, Equipping the Saints.